Friday, February 24, 2006

You know you need it -- you definitely want it

Got big trouble? Need advice but afraid to ask your friends? Ask us! We're pretty smart and we have answers.
Just send us an email or post a comment (anonymously or otherwise) and we'll answer it. It's that easy.


Anonymous said...

What should I do when I am no into someone anymore? I was never that into the person in the first place, but the relationship grew more and more comfortable. I have an itch to get out. Should I wait longer to see if the fire comes back, or should I heed the nagging feeling and move on?

Anonymous said...

I would like to know the meaning of life

Anonymous said...

Alright, here's my predicament. My brother is getting married to a woman I'm not particularly fond of. Whatever, his choice. She has made it very clear that I will not be a bridesmaid, which I'm TOTALLY good with. However, my brother feels obligated to have me be a part of their wedding, since he was a part of mine. He has hinted to me that he wants me to be in charge of the guest book (ugh). While I admit I should be honored by the gesture, I'd be more honored if they let me sit back and not play a part in the wedding, and just enjoy the evening. I sound selfish, I know, but...guest book? Isn't that for like 2nd cousins or something? Do you even need a guest book attendant? The guy is 36 years old. Most of the guests will know to sign the book if one is out. So, give me the brutal truth. If they ask me to do this, can I tactfully bow out without a)coming across as majorly bitchy and snobby, and b)relaying that the thought is really nice but no thanks. Or do I suck it up for the one hour of my life and do it because it's his wedding? Do tell...

Anonymous said...

Here's my question. What do women want? Is it men with a) size b) looks c) money d) sense of humor e) what is it? Because I no longer have-a-clue. I'm 45. Divorced. And back on the dating scene. What do you do when just being yourself isn't cutting it? 44 year old male. Sacramento, CA.

Anonymous said...

When is it appropriate to tell your lover they're bad in bed? And how do I do I go about it?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm a male who's losing hair. Since you're so honest, what level of priority should I place on trying to keep it, alter it, shape it? How do I approach this problem?
Austin, Texas